JLPT(I.e.Not just a hotelCustomer service Japanese,Japanese readingBodybookmushroomsLessonThere is also aJapanese 不安IPeopleButReliefdo itLearningBe.
HotelsCustomer service Japanese
HonorificAt hotels, including宿 泊-Food and Beverage Department OfbasicICustomer service Japanese expressionsThebodyI'll put it on.
Preparation for job hunting documents
beautifulwordでResume bookhiragana, katakana,漢字Etc.練習Then,job huntingToActiveI'll do it.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test Preparation
"listening comprehension-reading comprehension""Text-vocabulary""grammar"ToMinuteけLessonTheRowstomach,Japanese language proficiency testN2AboveWe aim to
of hotelknowledge
Training roomTheMakeTsu wasPracticalILesson manyInomo HospiceCharmXNUM X ones. Classroom lectureBecause it is not only楽About the hotelLearningBe.
front operation
Check-in and check-out as front desk staffResponsivenessor as a conciergeResponsivenessTheexerciseTheThroughByLearningIt will grow. ohcustomer Ofstayis moreComfortableskills to becomeacquisitionTo do.
restaurant operations
at a restaurant必要BecomebasicITechnologyor full course serviceTechnologyAs a restaurant professional, etc.Activeskills tobodyI'll put it on.
internship training
Corporate training Ofthe purposeTheUnderstandingThenTotal, hotelindustryToversusTointerestThedeepI'll start. Hotelindustrysuitable forbodyGood manners and mannersbodyDip, 1annual summer vacationFrom the outsideImplementationToCorporate trainingTotoGo, at the hotel.働Ku上で必要BecomeindustryToSpecialized officialBasic knowledgeThebodyI'll put it on.
Students OfmainICitizenship
all around the worldからmanyKunoStudents At the hospiceLearningI'm on it!
South Korea
Hong Kong
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
な ど
On-campus eventalso participated in the service skill contest.ParticipationDid!
VietnamBackground / StudentsHotelsBranch/ Mr. Ta Thi Tu (Where to work:Sheraton都HotelsOsaka)
このDedicated to pre-school and extra curricularAtLearningBeauty,
thanks for the support希望to a hotel inUnofficial offer!
TeachersIt was very easy.Lesson,Dedicated to pre-school and extra curricularand private matters as well.相 談can,Reliefdo itSchool LifeThe送I got it. of hotelstudyWhile doingJapanese OfstudyI was also able to do this, soStudentN2 toObtain.job huntingThen.interviewor group discussions.練習Because I was doing自信withpickcan be希望at the hotel inUnofficial offerI was able to receive it.
After graduationAlso as an OBLessonでjuniorAdvice!
Born in korea / airlineBranch / Park Nam Seok (Where to work : Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.)
Teachers OfheatWith great support,
Become a CA夢TheThe leavesI got it!
home countryI'm in时From TESTaTeachersand curriculumFulfillmentto what I'm doingCharmThesenseJ-thisDedicated to pre-school and extra curricularI was aiming for
Career counseling,Interview Practice, entry sheetCorrectionSuch,Teachers OfFulfillmentThanks to the support I received, I became a CA.夢I was able to make it come true.School LifeThen,etc. OfSubject OffriendとAlternating currentcan also楽That was fine. 夢TheThe leavesHospice is the place to go!
Annual tuition feeabout
Students Of方 TheTuition fee for all reductionBecome
For all international students
International student tuition exemption system
Qualification Scholarship
Provision OfJapanese qualificationOhholdChinoStudentsIt is, Tuition reductionWill be
eligibility criteria
Japanese language proficiency test(JLPT) N1 or Japanese Admission Examination(EJU) Japanese subjects280points or more
Reduction and exemption amount
(Main school1Obtained while enrolled in the year 50,000JPY)
※ 3End of monthuntilJapanese Language Proficiency Test Pass/Fail Results NotificationPlease request a copy ofSubmissionWas done方onlyBe applicable.DetailsHaoaskThereTogetherPlease let me.
StudentsHotelsBranch Visit CampusIn session!
Course content,School Life, StudentsUnderstand the support!
Aim for a further step up!Department transfer system
1AnnualAt N2AboveTheObtain officialThose wishing to change courseabout, interview OfApprovalWhen done, 2Annualis a hotelBranchへTransfer departmentToothJapaneseとLearningYou can
※Important Notices※
The recruitment for the 2025 International Student Hotel Department, Hotel Department, Railway Department, and Theme Park Staff Department has reached its capacity. Application acceptance has closed.
We are currently only recruiting for the Airline department.