Support for independent advancement Independence

  • Tuition installment payment system

    Significant reduction in expenses required at the time of admission
    Realize the dream of going on to higher education because it can be reduced!

    This is our school's unique tuition support system that uses Japan Student Services Organization scholarships.
    In addition to paying tuition fees in one lump sum or in two installments, you can also use the tuition installment payment system.

    Eligible persons

    日本学生支援機構奨学金の採用決定者で、奨学金の貸与月額の合計が12万円以上の方, Or本校入学後に日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与月額合計12万円以上申込予定の方Limited to

    • ※給付奨学金・第一種奨学金・第二種奨学金の合計金額が12万円以上であれば対象となります。
    • ※給付奨学金と第一種奨学金の両方に採用されている方は、併給調整(第一種奨学金の月額が減額)されるため、原則第二種奨学金も申請していただきますようお願いいたします。

    Installment payment system Breakdown of paid tuition

    At the time of admission procedure 488,000JPY(Annual equipment cost 352,000JPY + Partial tuition fee 136,000JPY
    Tuition fee (1st year) Of the annual tuition fee
    1,210,000 yen → monthly fee110,000JPY×11 times


    • *The payment deadline for promotion is the end of February of the first year.